Vintage gay porn stars tommy

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These sweet 18 and 19 year olds love to pose and play in front of the camera, starting with sexy stripteases where ever article of clothing hits the floor and their tight, yummy bodies are revealed. Where Is He Now: Raging Stallion, CockyBoys, NakedSword, Men. Every teen gay boy on our site has been handpicked to meet your needs and youre bound to fall in lust with them as you browse. Premiered on Sean Cody: February 27th, 2004 Note 2: I didn’t include Sean Cody’s Jarek/Jarec Wentworth since you just read about his Randy Blue move last week.) Note: as you’ll see, some are much less “famous” than others, but I’ve included them here because I like them (and also because I need to fill out a list of 12 performers!).

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Handsome and blond Clay Grant, star of The Dreamer, is featured as a scraggly, yet handsome, UCLA senior. Below, I’ve put together a collection of 12 guys who started their careers on Sean Cody and then left to work with other studios and become actual gay porn stars. This vintage gay porn Hand-in-Hand release stars twin Tim Christy as the sexiest go-go stud in Hollywood, where the pros and cons of the business are explored through sex and numerous orgasms. There are a select few, however, who transition from random Sean Cody amateurs to A-list gay porn stars, complete with social media profiles, last names, and even mug shots. The San Diego-based bareback studio is notorious for its privacy (which, IMHO, actually makes the guys hotter, by virtue of the fact that we don’t have to witness their Twitter meltdowns), so once a model is done getting fucked on that sectional sofa seven or eight times, he’s gone. Most of Sean Cody’s straight performers (and yes, most of them really are straight) film a handful of scenes and then…poof…they’re never heard from again.

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